We Need More Than A Week To Appreciate Truck Drivers

Think about it. Those oranges you buy at the grocery store. The fuel you pump into your cars. The wood that frames the sprawling new apartments along the river. Nearly everything you encounter in your day-to-day life spent time on a truck.

Professional drivers hauled more than 10.55 billion tons of freight last year. That’s more than 70% of the total U.S. freight tonnage. And since nearly 80% of communities across the nation rely exclusively on trucks to receive all their goods, it’s safe to say that the trucking industry is the core of our economy. 

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We owe a lot of thanks to all the professional truck drivers, and it’s time we honor the 3.5 million road warriors who are dedicated to safely delivering all the items that make our quality of life possible. To help celebrate National Truck Driver Appreciation Week, September 10-16, here are some interesting facts to consider:

  • Professional truck drivers drive over 279 billion miles per year, more than double the total logged 25 years ago
  • 1 out of every 16 people employed in the U.S. works in the trucking industry
  • A new truck produces one-tenth the emissions as a similar truck manufactured just seven years ago
  • The trucking industry paid $18.4 billion in federal highway user taxes
  • There are more than 11 million registered commercial trailers

So, this week when you walk down the grocery store aisle and see the huge variety of products on the shelves, think about all the professional truck drivers that got them there. When you relax in your living room, or work in your office, or study in the classroom, look at the tables, chairs, and electronics and realize that all of those items spent time on a truck.

The staff at Z Transportation encourages you to take a moment to acknowledge truck drivers and understand that without them, our tables, closets, and stores would be empty.

Share this message with your friends and family and join us in saying “THANK YOU” to professional truck drivers everywhere.

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