The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) is reminding motorists that a long-term road closure in downtown Indianapolis will start this weekend.
The North Split Interchange in Indianapolis will be closed for 18 months for a bridge and highway replacement project, according to INDOT. I-65 and I-70 between the North Split and Washington Street will be closed to all traffic during this shutdown.
On I-65/I-70 in the southbound lanes, the closure is scheduled to begin on May 15. Weather permitting, the complete closure of I-65/I-70 will begin on May 16.
INDOT issued the following information to drivers about the effect of the closure and development on the interstates:
I-70 westbound:
- Will remain open at the Keystone interchange
- Will remain open to I-65 northbound
- Will remain open to either the Michigan or Ohio Street exits via collector/distributor
- Will be accessible from Washington Street entrance ramp
- Will be closed to I-70 westbound through traffic and to I-65 southbound
I-70 eastbound:
- Will be accessible from Pine Street entrance ramp. (There will be detours as the Michigan Street, New York Street and Vermont Street bridges are reconstructed, but the Pine Street entrance ramp onto I-70 eastbound will remain open.)
- From the airport, all exits remain open for eastbound traffic up to Washington Street
- The West, Illinois and Meridian Street interchanges (south side) can access I-65 southbound and I-65 northbound to Washington Street
- Will be closed to I-70 eastbound through traffic and to I-65 northbound
I-65 northbound:
- Will be accessible from the North Illinois Street onramp
- Will remain open through the South Split up to the Washington Street exit
- Will be closed to I-65 northbound through traffic and to I-70 westbound
I-65 southbound:
- Will remain open to I-70 eastbound (except closed for 45 days in Fall 2021)
- Will be accessible from the West Street entrance ramp to I-70 eastbound only (except closed for 45 days in Fall 2021)
- Will be accessible from the Delaware Street entrance ramp to I-70 eastbound only (except closed for 45 days in Fall 2021)
- Will be accessible from the Washington Street entrance ramp
Additionally, as part of the North Split initiative, Vermont Street between Davidson and Pine streets will be closed to vehicular and pedestrian traffic starting on or after May 17 when the bridges over Vermont Street are demolished. The job on Vermont St. is expected to be finished by May 31. Eastbound traffic will be detoured to New York Street and westbound traffic will be detoured to Michigan Street during this local shutdown.